apparently programmed by 'Z' and bequeathed to the Public Domain
Glue will take GIF images of no larger than 320 X 200 in no more than 256 colors and 'GLUE' them together into an Autodesk Animator (TM) format FLI animation.
To use...
1.) You will need a series of GIF images.
- You could make an eclectic animation of rapidly changing images
by using a number of 320 X 200 random images
- use a paint program to do traditional style animation cells.
Create the first image and save it. Load it again and do a small
alteration and save it. Load the second 'cell' and do a small
alteration and save it. Etcetera,etcetera,etcetera. (Be certain
to name these cells in some sort of order that will be easy for
you to comprehend)
Then use a converting program to convert your images into the GIF
format. Graphics Workshop (an EXCELLENT shareware release) will
allow you to tag a number of images and convert to GIF...
assuming it supports the file format your paint program supports
2.) Using a text editor or ASCII word processor create a file list.
- As an example let us say you have created 5 GIF images named:
Using the text editor, enter the following lines:
<<< NOTE!!!! Leave off the extension of .GIF >>>
Save this text file as FISH.DOC ... this is now your FILELIST.
With GLUE.EXE , FISH.DOC and the 5 GIF images in the same Drive and Directory just type:
and press Enter <Return>
GLUE will create an animation named FISH.FLI.
Note that a FLI player will still be necessary... AAPLAY or QUICKFLI is recommended.
GIF is a copyrighted trademark of Compuserve.
Autodesk Animator is a copyrighted trademark of Autodesk.
Oranges grow on trees in areas with warm climates.